Learn Guitar Tabs Fast – Will Guitar Learning Software Like Jamorama Help You?
You should know how expensive a private guitar teacher can be. They often charge around 40 bucks an hour. On top of that you also get lots of homework. The best way to learn to read guitar tabs is by using a guitar learning software.
So what are the benefits of using Guitar Learning Software?
When I used such software I found the biggest benefit to be able to practice when you want, where you want and what you want. It allows you to practice when you like to. No more scheduled hours and wasted money on a teacher because you didn’t make your homework anymore. Another benefit is that they are designed to learn by playing nice, popular and modern songs.
What Guitar Learning Software Packages Are Available
Depending on how much money you want to spend, which music genre and what guitar you have there are a few possibilities. Let’s start with Jamorama. This software also has a free version to try it out. It comes in four versions, the free version, standard version, deluxe version and the hardcopy version.
Jamorama mostly focuses on rock, pop and blues. If you want to know what you exactly get, I can recommend you to visit the vendor’s page or read a review at the end of the article.
Guitar Scale Mastery is also a good package. It contains mostly the same elements, eBooks and software. They both learn you to play guitar, read guitar tabs and tune your guitar the right way.What is the difference you might think? Well, it focuses on other types of music like punk, metal and pop.